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Premades are covers that have already been made and are available to be claimed to be personalized to fit your own novel by changing the title, subtitle, and author's name for no additional fee! Because these designs have already been created, they can be delivered very quickly at your need and cost much less than custom commercial designs. Overall, premades are great if you're in a rush or on a budget, and the process is made to be most convenient to your requirements!


Along with changing the title, author name, and subtitle to fit your work for no extra charge, you do have some control over the ultimate design of the cover: unwanted elements can be removed at your preference for free, and more elements can be added at your request for an extra $10 on the final price.

If you're in need of a paperback design or a hardcover dust jacket, I can extend the original design for you for an extra fee: $25 for a paperback design, and $50 for a dust jacket. Additionally, if you need covers for a sequel novel or a series, the cost to commission separate covers will be less than the normal prices.


Premades denoted with an asterisk (*) are not sold through this website. Clicking on the graphic you're interested will redirect you to the website the marked premades are sold through. Although I did design the marked graphics, the pricing and extended jacket designs are not controlled by me and are controlled by the photographer of the model stock used. Thank you for understanding!

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